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# new normal

“Change is the only thing constant” goes the famous adage.

Never did we realize that this time around the change would be of this magnitude, world over. We’ve experienced an unprecedented shift in our way of life over the last year.

Pre-pandemic, who would have thought, that “being positive” would be so dreaded and everyone would be praying for themselves and their loved ones to be otherwise.

The Indian Namaste would be globally accepted as the safest and sought-after way of greeting each other. The India-originated Yoga and Pranayama would come more into prominence to keep healthy and invigorated in these distressing times.

Home is no longer the abode only – it is our workplace, our kids' school, our conference room, all rolled into one.

Time to pause and celebrate online connections – imagine if the internet was not there!!

Sometimes we do get overwhelmed by the negatives. We are all learning to cope up with the negatives around us & finding the positives.

The way we live now is different. #new normal:

  • Social distancing: have a personal bubble of over a meter.

  • Masking up is a simple way to safeguard.

  • The virtue of patience: Queuing up and waiting for our turn.

  • Personal hygiene is paramount.

  • Not going over to seeing your loved one is actually like caring for them.

  • Education online from kindergarten kids to university lectures.

  • Working from Home & being able to care for your loved ones.

  • Good riddance for now to mindless traffic jams to-fro from the office.

  • Value home space more and have fun with kids indoors.

We are all learning anew from this new transformation to our lives.

Hope the learning from these experiences stays with us.



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