Looking For a Job?
Job Seekers
We are conscious of the impact our support and guidance has on the careers of our candidates — the timing of a job-change and the right job is very important.
We Help You Find the Right Job — Our constant aim is to align career planning for our candidates with outstanding opportunities that exist. Your association with JOBSNAVIGATOR will ensure:
Advise on likely opportunities in sync with the candidate's skill-sets and experience.
Sharing the client's sensitive data/ resume only on prior consent.
Safeguarding the confidentiality of the profile during the course of the assignment.
Full Disclosure and Timely Communication of any appropriate information to be shared.
Providing feedback / or any information that might be useful in future interviews.
Our candidates trust us equivocally with the kind of career opportunities and guidance we provide them. We 'navigate' our candidates in making their career choices, helping them highlight the relevant experience and skill sets as per the requirements of the position applied for.
We invest in personal relationships and frequent communications with top talent in the country to update the candidates of future likely possibilities.